
Канонический URL:

Thing > CreativeWork > PublicationVolume

A part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or multi-volume work, often numbered. It may represent a time span, such as a year.

See also blog post.
Свойство Ожидаемый тип Описание
Свойства от PublicationVolume
pageEnd Integer
или Text
Страница, на которой заканчивается работа; например, «138» или «xvi».
pageStart Integer
или Text
The page on which the work starts; for example "135" or "xiii".
pagination Text Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd; for example, "1-6, 9, 55" or "10-12, 46-49".
volumeNumber Integer
или Text
Identifies the volume of publication or multi-part work; for example, "iii" or "2".
Свойства от CreativeWork
about Thing Тема содержимого (о чем оно).
accessibilityAPI Text Indicates that the resource is compatible with the referenced accessibility API ([WebSchemas wiki lists possible values](
accessibilityControl Text Определяет методы ввода, которых достаточно для полного управления описанного ресурса ([На вики-странице "WebSchemas" перечислены возможные значения] (
accessibilityFeature Text Content features of the resource, such as accessible media, alternatives and supported enhancements for accessibility ([WebSchemas wiki lists possible values](
accessibilityHazard Text A characteristic of the described resource that is physiologically dangerous to some users. Related to WCAG 2.0 guideline 2.3 ([WebSchemas wiki lists possible values](
accountablePerson Person Указывает на лицо, которое является юридически ответственным за CreativeWork.
aggregateRating AggregateRating Общая оценка, основанная на наборе рейтингов, отзывов и оценок.
alternativeHeadline Text Вторичное название творческой работы.
associatedMedia MediaObject Медиа-объекты, которые кодируют эту творческую работу. Это свойство синоним свойства encodings.
audience Audience Целевая аудитория работы, т.е. группа, для кого работа была создана.
audio AudioObject Встроенный аудио объект.
author Organization
или Person
Автор этого содержимого. Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что HTML 5 предоставляет специальный механизм для того, чтобы указать авторство с помощью rel тега. Этот механизм эквивалентен данному свойству и может быть использован вместо него.
award Text Награда выиграная этим человеком или этим результатом творчества.
awards Text Награды выигранные этим человеком или этим результатом творчества (в единственном числе award).
citation CreativeWork
или Text
Цитата или ссылка на другую работу, например на другую публикацию, веб страницу, научную статью и тд.
comment Comment Комментарии, обычно от пользователей к этой творческой работе.
contentLocation Place Местоположение контента.
contentRating Text Официальная оценка контента — например, 'код возрастного ценза MPAA'.
contributor Organization
или Person
Вторичные лицо или организация, которые внесли вклад в CreativeWork.
copyrightHolder Organization
или Person
Сторона которая имеет авторские права на CreativeWork.
copyrightYear Number Год, в котором указанные авторские права были впервые утверждены.
creator Organization
или Person
Создатель/автор этой CreativeWork или UserComments. То же, что и свойство Author для CreativeWork.
dateCreated Date
или DateTime
Дата создания творческой работы.
dateModified Date
или DateTime
Дата последнего изменения (модификации) творческой работы.
datePublished Date Дата первой трансляции/публикации.
discussionUrl URL Ссылка на страницу, содержащую комментарии к этой CreativeWork.
editor Person Указывает на человека, который редактировал эту творческую работу.
educationalAlignment AlignmentObject An alignment to an established educational framework.
educationalUse Text Назначение данной творческой работы в контексте обучения, например: 'assignment' (задание), 'group work' (групповая работа).
encoding MediaObject Медиа-объект, который кодирует эту запись
encodings MediaObject Медиа-объекты, которые кодируют эту запись (cм. единичную форму encoding)
expires Date Date the content expires and is no longer useful or available. For example a [[VideoObject]] or [[NewsArticle]] whose availability or relevance is time-limited, or a [[ClaimReview]] fact check whose publisher wants to indicate that it may no longer be relevant (or helpful to highlight) after some date.
fileFormat Text
или URL
Media type, typically MIME format (see [IANA site]( of the content e.g. application/zip of a SoftwareApplication binary. In cases where a CreativeWork has several media type representations, 'encoding' can be used to indicate each MediaObject alongside particular fileFormat information. Unregistered or niche file formats can be indicated instead via the most appropriate URL, e.g. defining Web page or a Wikipedia entry.
genre Text
или URL
Жанр творческой работы.
headline Text Заголовок статьи.
inLanguage Text
или Language
Язык содержимого. Используйте один из языковых кодов стандарта IETF BCP 47.
interactionCount Text Количество специфических взаимодействий пользователя с описываемой записью — например, 20 UserLikes, 5 UserComments или 300 UserDownloads. Тип взаимодействия должен быть одним из подтипов UserInteraction.
interactivityType Text Преобладающий тип режима обучения, предлагаемого обучающим ресурсом. Допустимые значения: 'active' (активное обучение), 'expositive' (пассивное обучение), 'mixed' (смешанный режим обучения).
isBasedOnUrl URL
или CreativeWork
или Product
A resource that was used in the creation of this resource. This term can be repeated for multiple sources. For example,
isFamilyFriendly Boolean Указывает, является ли этот контент подходящим для семейного просмотра, чтения и тд.
isPartOf CreativeWork Указывает к какой коллекции или галерее к которой принадлежит запись.
keywords Text Ключевые слова/теги использованные для описания содержимого.
learningResourceType Text Преобладающий тип или вид учебного ресурса. Например, 'presentation' (презентация), 'presentation' (раздаточный материал).
mentions Thing Указывает на то что CreativeWork ссылается на что-то (упоминает).
offers Offer Предложение о продаже — например, предложение о продаже продукта, DVD с фильмом или билетов на мероприятие.
position Text
или Integer
The position of an item in a series or sequence of items.
producer Person
или Organization
The person or organization who produced the work (e.g. music album, movie, tv/radio series etc.).
provider Person
или Organization
Лицо или организация, которые занимаются распространением, продажей CreativeWork.
publication PublicationEvent A publication event associated with the item.
publisher Organization
или Person
Издатель творческой работы.
publishingPrinciples URL
или CreativeWork
Ссылка на страницу, описывающую редакционные принципы организации, первично отвечающей за создание CreativeWork.
review Review Отзыв о записи.
reviews Review Отзывы, обзоры.(в единственном числе review)
sourceOrganization Organization Организация, от имени которой работал создатель объекта творчества.
sponsor Organization
или Person
Спонсор исследования.
text Text Текствое содержание творческой работы (текстовый контент).
thumbnailUrl URL Эскизное изображение (миниатюра) относящаяся к Thing.
timeRequired Duration Время, которое потребуется типичным представителям целевой аудитории для работы с данным учебным ресурсом, - приблизительно или столько, сколько оно обычно занимает, например: 'P30M', 'P1H25M'.
typicalAgeRange Text The typical expected age range, e.g. '7-9', '11-'.
version Number
или Text
Версия творческой работы, о которой идет речь на конкретном ресурсе.
video VideoObject Встроенный объект видео.
commentCount Integer The number of comments this CreativeWork (e.g. Article, Question or Answer) has received. This is most applicable to works published in Web sites with commenting system; additional comments may exist elsewhere.
license CreativeWork
или URL
A license document that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL.
recordedAt Event The Event where the CreativeWork was recorded. The CreativeWork may capture all or part of the event.
hasPart CreativeWork Indicates a CreativeWork that is (in some sense) a part of this CreativeWork.
workExample CreativeWork Example/instance/realization/derivation of the concept of this creative work. eg. The paperback edition, first edition, or eBook.
exampleOfWork CreativeWork A creative work that this work is an example/instance/realization/derivation of.
character Person Fictional person connected with a creative work.
translator Person
или Organization
Organization or person who adapts a creative work to different languages, regional differences and technical requirements of a target market, or that translates during some event.
releasedEvent PublicationEvent The place and time the release was issued, expressed as a PublicationEvent.
material Text
или URL
или Product
Материал, из которого что-то сделано, например, кожа, шерсть, хлопок, бумага.
schemaVersion URL
или Text
Indicates (by URL or string) a particular version of a schema used in some CreativeWork. For example, a document could declare a schemaVersion using an URL such as if precise indication of schema version was required by some application.
mainEntity Thing Indicates the primary entity described in some page or other CreativeWork.
isAccessibleForFree Boolean Флаг, чтобы сигнализировать, что публикация доступна бесплатно.
locationCreated Place The location where the CreativeWork was created, which may not be the same as the location depicted in the CreativeWork.
interactionStatistic InteractionCounter The number of interactions for the CreativeWork using the WebSite or SoftwareApplication. The most specific child type of InteractionCounter should be used.
isBasedOn URL
или CreativeWork
или Product
A resource that was used in the creation of this resource. This term can be repeated for multiple sources. For example,
spatialCoverage Place The spatialCoverage of a CreativeWork indicates the place(s) which are the focus of the content. It is a subproperty of contentLocation intended primarily for more technical and detailed materials. For example with a Dataset, it indicates areas that the dataset describes: a dataset of New York weather would have spatialCoverage which was the place: the state of New York.
funder Organization
или Person
A person or organization that supports (sponsors) something through some kind of financial contribution.
temporalCoverage DateTime
или Text
или URL
The temporalCoverage of a CreativeWork indicates the period that the content applies to, i.e. that it describes, either as a DateTime or as a textual string indicating a time period in [ISO 8601 time interval format]( In the case of a Dataset it will typically indicate the relevant time period in a precise notation (e.g. for a 2011 census dataset, the year 2011 would be written "2011/2012"). Other forms of content e.g. ScholarlyArticle, Book, TVSeries or TVEpisode may indicate their temporalCoverage in broader terms - textually or via well-known URL. Written works such as books may sometimes have precise temporal coverage too, e.g. a work set in 1939 - 1945 can be indicated in ISO 8601 interval format format via "1939/1945".
accessMode Text The human sensory perceptual system or cognitive faculty through which a person may process or perceive information. Expected values include: auditory, tactile, textual, visual, colorDependent, chartOnVisual, chemOnVisual, diagramOnVisual, mathOnVisual, musicOnVisual, textOnVisual.
accessModeSufficient Text A list of single or combined accessModes that are sufficient to understand all the intellectual content of a resource. Expected values include: auditory, tactile, textual, visual.
accessibilitySummary Text A human-readable summary of specific accessibility features or deficiencies, consistent with the other accessibility metadata but expressing subtleties such as "short descriptions are present but long descriptions will be needed for non-visual users" or "short descriptions are present and no long descriptions are needed."
Свойства от Thing
additionalType URL Дополнительный тип для элемента, который обычно используется для добавления более конкретных типов от внешних словарей в синтаксис микроданных. Это отношения между чем-то и классом к которому он принадлежит. В синтаксисе RDFa, лучше использовать родной синтаксис RDF - аттрибут "TypeOf" для множественных типов. Инстументы могут слабо понимать дополнительные типы, особенно те, которые определены извне.
alternateName Text Любое альтернативное название медицинской сущности.
description Text Короткое описание записи.
image URL
или ImageObject
URL изображения записи.
name Text Имя записи.
sameAs URL Адрес веб-страницы, которая недвусмысленно указывает на идентичность элемента. Например, ссылка на страницу элемента на Википедии, Freebase страницу или на официальный сайт.
url URL URL записи.
potentialAction Action Indicates a potential Action, which describes an idealized action in which this thing would play an 'object' role.
mainEntityOfPage CreativeWork
или URL
Указывает на страницу (или другую "CreativeWork"), для которой эта вещь является основной описываемой сущностью. Подробнее см. В [справочных материалах] (/docs/datamodel.html#mainEntityBackground).
disambiguatingDescription Text A sub property of description. A short description of the item used to disambiguate from other, similar items. Information from other properties (in particular, name) may be necessary for the description to be useful for disambiguation.
identifier URL
или Text
или PropertyValue
The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of [[Thing]], such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. provides dedicated properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL (URI) links. See [background notes](/docs/datamodel.html#identifierBg) for more details.


<!-- A list of the issues for a single volume of a given periodical. -->
 <h1>The Lancet</h1>
 <p>Volume 376, July 2010-December 2010</p>
 <p>Published by Elsevier
   <li>ISSN: 0140-6736</li>
   <li>No. 9734 Jul 3, 2010 p 1-68</li>
   <li>No. 9735 Jul 10, 2010 p 69-140</li>
<!-- A list of the issues for a single volume of a given periodical. -->
<div itemscope itemtype="">
  <h1 itemprop="name">The Lancet</h1>
  <p>Volume 376, July 2010-December 2010</p>
  <p>Published by <span itemprop="publisher">Elsevier</span>
    <li>ISSN: <span itemprop="issn">0140-6736</span></li>
  <div itemprop="hasPart" itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#vol376">
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      <li itemprop="hasPart" itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#iss9734">No.
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        <time datetime="2010-07-03" itemprop="datePublished">Jul 3, 2010</time>
        p <span itemprop="pageStart">1</span>-<span itemprop="pageEnd">68</span>
      <li itemprop="hasPart" itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#iss9735">No.
        <span itemprop="issueNumber">9735</span>
        <time datetime="2010-07-03" itemprop="datePublished">Jul 10, 2010</time>
        p <span itemprop="pageStart">69</span>-<span itemprop="pageEnd">140</span>
<!-- A list of the issues for a single volume of a given periodical. -->
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  <p>Volume 376, July 2010-December 2010</p>
  <p>Published by <span property="publisher">Elsevier</span>
    <li>ISSN: <span property="issn">0140-6736</span></li>
  <div property="hasPart" typeof="PublicationVolume" resource="#vol376">
    <meta property="volumeNumber" content="376">
      <li property="hasPart" typeof="PublicationIssue" resource="#issue9734">No.
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        p <span property="pageStart">1</span>-<span property="pageEnd">68</span>
      <li property="hasPart" typeof="PublicationIssue" resource="#issue9735">No.
        <span property="issueNumber">9735</span>
        <time datetime="2010-07-03" property="datePublished">Jul 10, 2010</time>
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        "@id": "issue9735",
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        "datePublished": "2010-07-03",
        "pageEnd": "140",
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  "name": "The Lancet",
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<!-- An article, fully linked to the issue, volume, and periodical in which it was published -->
  <strong>Title:</strong> Be Careful What You Wish For: FRBR, Some Lacunae, A Review<br />
  <strong>Author:</strong> Smiraglia, Richard P.<br />
  <strong>Subjects:</strong> Catalog ; Works <br />
  <strong>Is Part Of:</strong>
  <div>Cataloging &amp; Classification Quarterly, 2012, Vol. 50 (5),</div>
  <div>p.360-368 [Peer Reviewed Journal]<br />
      The library catalog as a catalog of works
      was an infectious idea, which together with research led to
      reconceptualization in the form of the FRBR conceptual model. Two
      categories of lacunae emerge—the expression entity, and gaps in the
      model such as aggregates and dynamic documents. Evidence needed to
      extend the FRBR model is available in contemporary research on
      instantiation. The challenge for the bibliographic community is to
      begin to think of FRBR as a form of knowledge organization system,
      adding a final dimension to classification. The articles in the present
      special issue offer a compendium of the promise of the FRBR
  <strong>Publisher:</strong> Taylor &amp; Francis Group<br />
  <strong>Source:</strong> Routledge, Taylor &amp; Francis Group<br />
  <strong>ISSN:</strong> 0163-9374 ;<br />
  <strong>E-ISSN:</strong> 1544-4554;<br />
  <a href="">10.1080/01639374.2012.682254</a>
<!-- An article, fully linked to the issue, volume, and periodical in which it was published -->
<div itemscope itemtype="">
  <strong>Title:</strong> <span itemprop="name">Be Careful What You Wish For: FRBR, Some Lacunae, A Review</span><br />
  <strong>Author:</strong> <span itemprop="author">Smiraglia, Richard P.</span><br />
  <strong>Subjects:</strong> <span itemprop="about">Catalog</span> ; <span itemprop="about">Works</span> <br />
  <strong>Is Part Of:</strong>
  <div itemprop="isPartOf" itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#issue">
    <span itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#periodical">
      <span itemprop="name">Cataloging &amp; Classification Quarterly</span>,
    <span itemprop="datePublished">2012</span>,
    Vol.<span itemprop="isPartOf" itemscope
              itemprop="isPartOf" href="#periodical" /><span
    p.<span itemprop="pageStart">360</span>-<span itemprop="pageEnd">368</span> [Peer Reviewed Journal]<br />
    <span itemprop="description">The library catalog as a catalog of works
      was an infectious idea, which together with research led to
      reconceptualization in the form of the FRBR conceptual model. Two
      categories of lacunae emerge—the expression entity, and gaps in the
      model such as aggregates and dynamic documents. Evidence needed to
      extend the FRBR model is available in contemporary research on
      instantiation. The challenge for the bibliographic community is to
      begin to think of FRBR as a form of knowledge organization system,
      adding a final dimension to classification. The articles in the present
      special issue offer a compendium of the promise of the FRBR
  <span itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#periodical">
    <span itemprop="publisher">Taylor &amp; Francis Group</span><br />
    <strong>Source:</strong> Routledge, Taylor &amp; Francis Group<br />
    <strong>ISSN:</strong> <span itemprop="issn">0163-9374</span> ;<br />
    <strong>E-ISSN:</strong> <span itemprop="issn">1544-4554</span> ;<br />
  <a itemprop="sameAs" href="">10.1080/01639374.2012.682254</a>
<!-- An article, fully linked to the issue, volume, and periodical in which it was published -->
<div vocab="" typeof="ScholarlyArticle" resource="#article">
  <strong>Title:</strong> <span property="name">Be Careful What You Wish For: FRBR, Some Lacunae, A Review</span><br />
  <strong>Author:</strong> <span property="author">Smiraglia, Richard P.</span><br />
  <strong>Subjects:</strong> <span property="about">Catalog</span> ; <span property="about">Works</span> <br />
  <strong>Is Part Of:</strong>
  <div property="isPartOf" typeof="PublicationIssue" resource="#issue">
    <span typeof="Periodical" resource="#periodical">
      <span property="name">Cataloging &amp; Classification Quarterly</span>,
    <span property="datePublished">2012</span>,
    Vol.<span property="isPartOf" typeof="PublicationVolume" resource="#periodical"><span
    p.<span property="pageStart">360</span>-<span property="pageEnd">368</span> [Peer Reviewed Journal]<br />
    <span property="description">The library catalog as a catalog of works
      was an infectious idea, which together with research led to
      reconceptualization in the form of the FRBR conceptual model. Two
      categories of lacunae emerge—the expression entity, and gaps in the
      model such as aggregates and dynamic documents. Evidence needed to
      extend the FRBR model is available in contemporary research on
      instantiation. The challenge for the bibliographic community is to
      begin to think of FRBR as a form of knowledge organization system,
      adding a final dimension to classification. The articles in the present
      special issue offer a compendium of the promise of the FRBR
  <span resource="#periodical">
    <span property="publisher">Taylor &amp; Francis Group</span><br />
    <strong>Source:</strong> Routledge, Taylor &amp; Francis Group<br />
    <strong>ISSN:</strong> <span property="issn">0163-9374</span> ;<br />
    <strong>E-ISSN:</strong> <span property="issn">1544-4554</span> ;<br />
  <a property="sameAs" href="">10.1080/01639374.2012.682254</a>
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            "volumeNumber": "50",
            "publisher": "Taylor & Francis Group"
        "@type": "ScholarlyArticle",
        "isPartOf": "#issue",
        "description": "The library catalog as a catalog of works was an infectious idea, which together with research led to reconceptualization in the form of the FRBR conceptual model. Two categories of lacunae emerge--the expression entity, and gaps in the model such as aggregates and dynamic documents. Evidence needed to extend the FRBR model is available in contemporary research on instantiation. The challenge for the bibliographic community is to begin to think of FRBR as a form of knowledge organization system, adding a final dimension to classification. The articles in the present special issue offer a compendium of the promise of the FRBR model.",
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        "name": "Be Careful What You Wish For: FRBR, Some Lacunae, A Review",
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<!-- A trilogy of books with numbered volumes. -->
    The <strong>Lord of the Rings</strong> is an English-language fictional trilogy by J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973).
    The books in the trilogy are:
    <li>Vol. 1: The Fellowship of the Ring</li>
    <li>Vol. 2: The Two Towers</li>
    <li>Vol. 3: The Return of the King</li>
<!-- A trilogy of books with numbered volumes. -->
  <p itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#trilogy">
    <link itemprop="about" href="">
    The <strong itemprop="name">Lord of the Rings</strong> is an
    <meta itemprop="inLanguage" content="en"/>English-language
    <span itemprop="genre">fictional</span> trilogy by
    <span itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#author">
      <link itemprop="sameAs" href="">
      <meta itemprop="name" content="Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel)"/>J. R. R. Tolkien
     (<span itemprop="birthDate">1892</span>-<span itemprop="deathDate">1973</span>).
    <link itemprop="hasPart" href="#book1">
    <link itemprop="hasPart" href="#book2">
    <link itemprop="hasPart" href="#book3">
    The books in the trilogy are:
    <li itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#book1">
      Vol. <span itemprop="volumeNumber">1</span>:
      <link itemprop="about" href="">
      <link itemprop="isPartOf" href="#trilogy">
      <link itemprop="author" href="#author">
      <meta itemprop="inLanguage" content="en">
      <span itemprop="name">The Fellowship of the Ring</span>
    <li itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#book2">
      Vol. <span itemprop="volumeNumber">2</span>:
      <link itemprop="about" href="">
      <link itemprop="isPartOf" href="#trilogy">
      <link itemprop="author" href="#author">
      <meta itemprop="inLanguage" content="en">
      <span itemprop="name">The Two Towers</span>
    <li itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#book3">
      Vol. <span itemprop="volumeNumber">3</span>:
      <link itemprop="about" href="">
      <link itemprop="isPartOf" href="#trilogy">
      <link itemprop="author" href="#author">
      <meta itemprop="inLanguage" content="en">
      <span itemprop="name">The Return of the King</span>
<!-- A trilogy of books with numbered volumes. -->
<div vocab="">
  <p typeof="Book" resource="#trilogy">
    <link property="about" href="">
    The <strong property="name">Lord of the Rings</strong> is an
    <span property="inLanguage" content="en">English-language</span>
    <span property="genre">fictional</span> trilogy by
    <span property="author" typeof="Person" resource="#author">
      <link property="sameAs" href="">
      <span property="name" content="Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel)">J. R. R. Tolkien</span>
      (<span property="birthDate">1892</span>-<span property="deathDate">1973</span>).
    <link property="hasPart" href="#book1">
    <link property="hasPart" href="#book2">
    <link property="hasPart" href="#book3">
    The books in the trilogy are:
    <li typeof="Book PublicationVolume" resource="#book1">
      Vol. <span property="volumeNumber">1</span>:
      <link property="about" href="">
      <link property="isPartOf" href="#trilogy">
      <link property="author" href="#author">
      <meta property="inLanguage" content="en">
      <span property="name">The Fellowship of the Ring</span>
    <li typeof="Book PublicationVolume" resource="#book2">
      Vol. <span property="volumeNumber">2</span>:
      <link property="about" href="">
      <link property="isPartOf" href="#trilogy">
      <link property="author" href="#author">
      <meta property="inLanguage" content="en">
      <span property="name">The Two Towers</span>
    <li typeof="Book PublicationVolume" resource="#book3">
      Vol. <span property="volumeNumber">3</span>:
      <link property="about" href="">
      <link property="isPartOf" href="#trilogy">
      <link property="author" href="#author">
      <meta property="inLanguage" content="en">
      <span property="name">The Return of the King</span>
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      "@type": "Person",
      "birthDate": "1892",
      "deathDate": "1973",
      "name": "Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel)",
      "sameAs": ""
      "@id": "#trilogy",
      "@type": "Book",
      "about": "",
      "hasPart": [
          "@id": "#book3",
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          "@type": [
          "name": "The Fellowship of the Ring",
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      "name": "Lord of the Rings",
      "inLanguage": "en",
      "genre": "fictional",
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<!-- An article citation in MLA format, using a 'flat' approach that simplifies
  markup by not specifying an explicit relationship between the periodical,
  volume, and issue -->
  Carlyle, Allyson. "Understanding FRBR as a Conceptual Model: FRBR
    and the Bibliographic Universe."
  <em>Library Resources and Technical Services</em>,
  v. 50, no. 4 (October 2006): 264-273. Print.
<!-- An article citation in MLA format, using a 'flat' approach that simplifies
  markup by not specifying an explicit relationship between the periodical,
  volume, and issue -->
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  <span itemprop="author">Carlyle, Allyson.</span>
  "<span itemprop="name">Understanding FRBR as a Conceptual Model: FRBR
    and the Bibliographic Universe</span>"
  <div itemprop="isPartOf" itemscope itemtype="">
    <em><span itemprop="name">Library Resources and Technical Services</span></em>
  <span itemprop="isPartOf" itemscope itemtype="">
    v. <span itemprop="volumeNumber">50</span>
  <span itemprop="isPartOf" itemscope itemtype="">
    no. <span itemprop="issueNumber">4</span>
    (<time datetime="2006-10" itemprop="datePublished">October 2006</time>):
  <span itemprop="pageStart">264</span>-<span itemprop="pageEnd">273</span>
<!-- An article citation in MLA format, using a 'flat' approach that simplifies
  markup by not specifying an explicit relationship between the periodical,
  volume, and issue -->
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  <span property="author">Carlyle, Allyson.</span>
  "<span property="name">Understanding FRBR as a Conceptual Model: FRBR
    and the Bibliographic Universe</span>"
  <div property="isPartOf" typeof="Periodical">
    <em><span property="name">Library Resources and Technical Services</span></em>
  <span property="isPartOf" typeof="PublicationVolume">
    v. <span property ="volumeNumber">50</span>
  <span property="isPartOf" typeof="PublicationIssue">
    no. <span property="issueNumber">4</span>
    (<time datetime="2006-10" property="datePublished">October 2006</time>):
  <span property="pageStart">264</span>-<span property="pageEnd">273</span>
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      "name": "Understanding FRBR as a Conceptual Model: FRBR and the Bibliographic Universe",
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