
Канонический URL:

Thing > Place > TouristAttraction

Туристическая достопримечательность.
Свойство Ожидаемый тип Описание
Свойства от TouristAttraction
availableLanguage Language
или Text
A language someone may use with or at the item, service or place. Please use one of the language codes from the [IETF BCP 47 standard]( See also [[inLanguage]]
touristType Audience
или Text
Attraction suitable for type(s) of tourist. eg. Children, visitors from a particular country, etc.
Свойства от Place
address PostalAddress
или Text
Физический адрес.
aggregateRating AggregateRating Общая оценка, основанная на наборе рейтингов, отзывов и оценок.
containedIn Place Основной родительский элемент, место (Например, Город для Парка).
event Event Мероприятия, проводящиеся в этом месте или этой организацией.
events Event Мероприятия, проводящиеся в этом месте или этой организацией.(В единственном числе event).
faxNumber Text Номер факса.
geo GeoCoordinates
или GeoShape
Географические координаты этого места.
globalLocationNumber Text The [Global Location Number]( (GLN, sometimes also referred to as International Location Number or ILN) of the respective organization, person, or place. The GLN is a 13-digit number used to identify parties and physical locations.
interactionCount Text Количество специфических взаимодействий пользователя с описываемой записью — например, 20 UserLikes, 5 UserComments или 300 UserDownloads. Тип взаимодействия должен быть одним из подтипов UserInteraction.
isicV4 Text The International Standard of Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4 code for a particular organization, business person, or place.
logo ImageObject
или URL
URL картинки, являющейся логотипом.
map URL Ссылка на карту этого места.
maps URL Ссылки на карты этого места.(В единственном числе map.
openingHoursSpecification OpeningHoursSpecification Время работы этого места
photo ImageObject
или Photograph
Фотография этого места.
photos ImageObject
или Photograph
Фотографии этого места (в единственном числе см. photo)
review Review Отзыв о записи.
reviews Review Отзывы, обзоры.(в единственном числе review)
telephone Text Номер телефона.
hasMap URL
или Map
URL карты места
additionalProperty PropertyValue A property-value pair representing an additional characteristics of the entitity, e.g. a product feature or another characteristic for which there is no matching property in\n\nNote: Publishers should be aware that applications designed to use specific properties (e.g.,,, ...) will typically expect such data to be provided using those properties, rather than using the generic property/value mechanism.
isAccessibleForFree Boolean Флаг, чтобы сигнализировать, что публикация доступна бесплатно.
branchCode Text A short textual code (also called "store code") that uniquely identifies a place of business. The code is typically assigned by the parentOrganization and used in structured URLs.\n\nFor example, in the URL the code "3047" is a branchCode for a particular branch.
containedInPlace Place The basic containment relation between a place and one that contains it.
containsPlace Place The basic containment relation between a place and another that it contains.
specialOpeningHoursSpecification OpeningHoursSpecification The special opening hours of a certain place.\n\nUse this to explicitly override general opening hours brought in scope by [[openingHoursSpecification]] or [[openingHours]].
amenityFeature LocationFeatureSpecification An amenity feature (e.g. a characteristic or service) of the Accommodation. This generic property does not make a statement about whether the feature is included in an offer for the main accommodation or available at extra costs.
smokingAllowed Boolean Indicates whether it is allowed to smoke in the place, e.g. in the restaurant, hotel or hotel room.
maximumAttendeeCapacity Integer The total number of individuals that may attend an event or venue.
publicAccess Boolean A flag to signal that the [[Place]] is open to public visitors. If this property is omitted there is no assumed default boolean value
Свойства от Thing
additionalType URL Дополнительный тип для элемента, который обычно используется для добавления более конкретных типов от внешних словарей в синтаксис микроданных. Это отношения между чем-то и классом к которому он принадлежит. В синтаксисе RDFa, лучше использовать родной синтаксис RDF - аттрибут "TypeOf" для множественных типов. Инстументы могут слабо понимать дополнительные типы, особенно те, которые определены извне.
alternateName Text Любое альтернативное название медицинской сущности.
description Text Короткое описание записи.
image URL
или ImageObject
URL изображения записи.
name Text Имя записи.
sameAs URL Адрес веб-страницы, которая недвусмысленно указывает на идентичность элемента. Например, ссылка на страницу элемента на Википедии, Freebase страницу или на официальный сайт.
url URL URL записи.
potentialAction Action Indicates a potential Action, which describes an idealized action in which this thing would play an 'object' role.
mainEntityOfPage CreativeWork
или URL
Указывает на страницу (или другую "CreativeWork"), для которой эта вещь является основной описываемой сущностью. Подробнее см. В [справочных материалах] (/docs/datamodel.html#mainEntityBackground).
disambiguatingDescription Text A sub property of description. A short description of the item used to disambiguate from other, similar items. Information from other properties (in particular, name) may be necessary for the description to be useful for disambiguation.
identifier URL
или Text
или PropertyValue
The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of [[Thing]], such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. provides dedicated properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL (URI) links. See [background notes](/docs/datamodel.html#identifierBg) for more details.


<h1>Hyde Park</h1>
<div>It's one of the nine royal parks of London.</div>
	<a href=""></a>
<div>Ticket: access for free.</div>
<div itemscope itemtype="">
	<h1><span itemprop="name">Hyde Park</span></h1>
		<span itemprop="description">It's one of nine royal parks of London.</span>
		<a href="" itemprop="url"></a>
		<meta itemprop="isAccessibleForFree" content="true"/>Ticket: access for free.
<div vocab="" typeof="TouristAttraction">
	<h1><span property="name">Hyde Park</span></h1>
		<span property="description">It's one of nine royal parks of London.</span>
		<a href="" property="url"></a>
		<meta property="isAccessibleForFree" content="true"/>Ticket: access for free.
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	"name": "Hyde Park",
	"description": "It's one of nine royal parks of London.",
	"url": "",
	"isAccessibleForFree": true
<h1>Disneyland Paris</h1>
<div>It's an amusement park in Marne-la-Vallée, near Paris, in France.</div>
<div>Hours: Mo-Fri 10am-7pm Sa 10am-22pm Su 10am-21pm</div>
<div>Entrance: with ticket</div>
<div>Currency accepted: Euro</div>
<div>Payment accepted: Cash, Credit Card</div>
	<a href=""></a>
<div itemscope itemtype="">
	<h1><span itemprop="name">Disneyland Paris</span></h1>
		<span itemprop="description">It's an amusement park in Marne-la-Vallée, near Paris, in France and is the most visited theme park in all of France and Europe.</span>
	<div>Hours: Mo-Fri 10am-7pm Sa 10am-22pm Su 10am-21pm
		<meta itemprop="openingHours" content="Mo-Fri 10:00-19:00"/>
		<meta itemprop="openingHours" content="Sa 10:00-22:00"/>
		<meta itemprop="openingHours" content="Su 10:00-21:00"/>
		<meta itemprop="isAccessibleForFree" content="false"/>Entrance: with ticket
		<meta itemprop="currenciesAccepted" content="EUR"/>Currency accepted: Euro
		<meta itemprop="paymentAccepted" content="Cash, Credit Card"/>Payment accepted: Cash, Credit Card
		<a href="" itemprop="url"></a>
<div vocab="" typeof="TouristAttraction AmusementPark">
	<h1><span property="name">Disneyland Paris</span></h1>
		<span property="description">It's an amusement park in Marne-la-Vallée, near Paris, in France and is the most visited theme park in all of France and Europe.</span>
	<div>Hours: Mo-Fri 10am-7pm Sa 10am-22pm Su 10am-21pm
		<meta property="openingHours" content="Mo-Fri 10:00-19:00"/>
		<meta property="openingHours" content="Sa 10:00-22:00"/>
		<meta property="openingHours" content="Su 10:00-21:00"/>
		<meta property="isAccessibleForFree" content="false"/>Entrance: with ticket
		<meta property="currenciesAccepted" content="EUR"/>Currency accepted: Euro
		<meta property="paymentAccepted" content="Cash, Credit Card"/>Payment accepted: Cash, Credit Card
		<a href="" property="url"></a>
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	"@type": ["TouristAttraction", "AmusementPark"],
	"name": "Disneyland Paris",
	"description": "It's an amusement park in Marne-la-Vallée, near Paris, in France and is the most visited theme park in all of France and Europe.",
	"openingHours":["Mo-Fri 10:00-19:00", "Sa 10:00-22:00", "Su 10:00-21:00"],
	"isAccessibleForFree": false,
	"currenciesAccepted": "EUR",
	"paymentAccepted":"Cash, Credit Card",
<h1>Neuschwanstein Castle</h1>
<div>Neuschwanstein Castle is a nineteenth-century Romanesque Revival palace in Schwangau, in southwest Bavaria, Germany.</div>
<div>Guided tours in German and English.</div>
<div itemscope itemtype="">
	<h1><span itemprop="name">Neuschwanstein Castle</span></h1>
	<div>It is a nineteenth-century Romanesque Revival palace in
		<div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="">
			<span itemprop="addressLocality">Schwangau</span>, in
			<span itemprop="addressCountry">Germany</span>.
	<div>Guided tours in
		<div itemprop="availableLanguage" itemscope itemtype="">
			<span itemprop="name">German</span>
		</div> and
		<div itemprop="availableLanguage" itemscope itemtype="">
			<span itemprop="name">English</span>.
<div vocab="" typeof="TouristAttraction">
	<h1><span property="name">Neuschwanstein Castle</span></h1>
	<div>It is a nineteenth-century Romanesque Revival palace in
		<div property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">
			<span property="addressLocality">Schwangau</span>, in
			<span property="addressCountry">Germany</span>.
	<div>Guided tours in
		<div property="availableLanguage" typeof="Language">
			<span property="name">German</span>
		</div> and
		<div property="availableLanguage" typeof="Language">
			<span property="name">English</span>.
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		"addressCountry": "Germany"
	"availableLanguage": {
		"@type": "Language",
		"name": ["German","English"]
<h1>Please Touch Museum</h1>
<div>It is a children's museum located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.</div>
<div>The museum focuses on teaching children through interactive exhibits and special events.</div>
<div itemscope itemtype="">
    <link itemprop="additionalType" href="" />
	<h1><span itemprop="name">Please Touch Museum</span></h1>
	<div>It is a
		<div itemprop="touristType" itemscope itemtype="">
			<span itemprop="audienceType">children</span>
		</div>'s museum located in
		<div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="">
			<div itemprop="addressLocality">Philadelphia</div>,
			<div itemprop="addressCountry">USA</div>.
		<span itemprop="description">The museum focuses on teaching children through interactive exhibits and special events.</span>
<div vocab="" typeof="TouristAttraction Museum">
	<h1><span property="name">Please Touch Museum</span></h1>
	<div>It is a
		<div property="touristType" typeof="Audience">
			<span property="audienceType">children</span>
		</div>'s museum located in
		<div property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">
			<div property="addressLocality">Philadelphia</div>,
			<div property="addressCountry">USA</div>.
		<span property="description">The museum focuses on teaching children through interactive exhibits and special events.</span>
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	"address": {
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		"addressCountry": "USA"
	"touristType": {
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	"description": "The museum focuses on teaching children through interactive exhibits and special events."
<h1>Leaning Tower of Pisa</h1>
<div>It is a twelfth-thirteenth century Romanesque tower started building by Bonanno Pisano.</div>
<div>Public access: yes</div>
<div itemscope itemtype="">
	<h1><span itemprop="name">Leaning Tower of Pisa</span></h1>
		<span itemprop="description">It is a twelfth-thirteenth century Romanesque tower started building by Bonanno Pisano.</span>
		<meta itemprop="publicAccess" content="true"/>Public access: yes
<div vocab="" typeof="TouristAttraction">
	<h1><span property="name">Leaning Tower of Pisa</span></h1>
		<span property="description">It is a twelfth-thirteenth century Romanesque tower started building by Bonanno Pisano.</span>
		<meta property="publicAccess" content="true"/>Public access: yes
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	"@context": "",
	"@type": "TouristAttraction",
	"name": "Leaning Tower of Pisa",
	"publicAccess": true,
	"description": "It is a twelfth-thirteenth century Romanesque tower started building by Bonanno Pisano."
<h1>Musée Marmottan Monet</h1>
<div>It's a museum of Impressionism and french ninenteeth art.</div>
<div>It is hosting the Hodler's, Monet's and Munch's exibit: "Peindre l'impossible".
Start date: September 15 2016
End date: Genuary 22 2017
<div itemscope itemtype="">
	<h1><span itemprop="name">Musée Marmottan Monet</span></h1>
		<span itemprop="description">It's a museum of Impressionism and french ninenteeth art.</span>
	<div itemprop="event" itemscope itemtype="">It is hosting the
		<span itemprop="about">Hodler</span>'s
		<span itemprop="about">Monet</span>'s
		<span itemprop="about">Munch</span>'s exibit:
		<span itemprop="name">"Peindre l'impossible"</span>.
		<meta itemprop="startDate" content="2016-09-15" />Start date: September 15 2016
		<meta itemprop="endDate" content="2017-01-22" />End date: Genuary 22 2017
<div vocab="" typeof="TouristAttraction">
	<h1><span property="name">Musée Marmottan Monet</span></h1>
		<span property="description">It's a museum of Impressionism and french ninenteeth art.</span>
	<div property="event" typeof="Event">It is hosting the
		<span property="about">Hodler</span>'s
		<span property="about">Monet</span>'s
		<span property="about">Munch</span>'s exibit:
		<span property="name">"Peindre l'impossible"</span>.
		<meta property="startDate" content="2016-10-01" />Start date: September 15 2016
		<meta property="endDate" content="2017-02-05" />End date: Genuary 22 2017
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		"about": ["Hodler","Monet","Munch"],
		"name": "Peindre l'impossible",
		"startDate": "2016-09-15",
		"endDate": "2017-01-22"
Name: The Falles 2017
Description: The Falles is a traditional celebration held in commemoration of Saint Joseph in the city of Valencia, Spain. The term Falles refers to both the celebration and the monuments burnt during the celebration. Added to UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage of humanity list on 30 November 2016.
From: March 3, 2017
To: March 3, 2017
Location: Valencia, ES
Public Access: yes
Is Accessible For Free: yes
Tourist Audience: Cultural tourism
Image 1:
Image 2:
Same As:
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    <meta itemprop="name" content="Las Fallas 2017" />
    <meta itemprop="name" content="The Falles 2017" />
    <meta itemprop="alternateName" content="Les Falles 2017" />
    <meta itemprop="touristType" content="Cultural tourism" />
    <meta itemprop="description" content="Las Fallas son unas fiestas con una tradición arraigada en la ciudad de Valencia y diferentes poblaciones de la Comunidad Valenciana, y que se celebran en honor de San José. El término Falla se refiere a las propia fiestas y a los monumentos quemados en las calles de Valencia el día 19 de marzo. En noviembre de 2016 la Unesco las inscribió en su Lista Representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad." />
    <meta itemprop="description" content="The Falles is a traditional celebration held in commemoration of Saint Joseph in the city of Valencia, Spain. The term Falles refers to both the celebration and the monuments burnt during the celebration. Added to UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage of humanity list on 30 November 2016." />
    <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2017-03-15T09:00" />
    <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2017-03-19T23:59" />
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      <meta itemprop="addressLocality" content="Valencia" />
      <meta itemprop="addressRegion" content="Valencia" />
      <meta itemprop="addressCountry" content="ES" />
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    <link itemprop="image" href="" />
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    <div property="schema:description" xml:lang="es" content="Las Fallas son unas fiestas con una tradición arraigada en la ciudad de Valencia y diferentes poblaciones de la Comunidad Valenciana, y que se celebran en honor de San José. El término Falla se refiere a las propia fiestas y a los monumentos quemados en las calles de Valencia el día 19 de marzo. En noviembre de 2016 la Unesco las inscribió en su Lista Representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad."></div>
    <div property="schema:description" xml:lang="en" content="The Falles is a traditional celebration held in commemoration of Saint Joseph in the city of Valencia, Spain. The term Falles refers to both the celebration and the monuments burnt during the celebration. Added to UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage of humanity list on 30 November 2016."></div>
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  "alternateName":"Les Falles 2017",
  "description":"The Falles is a traditional celebration held in commemoration of Saint Joseph in the city of Valencia, Spain. The term Falles refers to both the celebration and the monuments burnt during the celebration. Added to UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage of humanity list on 30 November 2016.",
    "@language": "es",
    "@value": "Las Fallas son unas fiestas con una tradición arraigada en la ciudad de Valencia y diferentes poblaciones de la Comunidad Valenciana, y que se celebran en honor de San José. El término Falla se refiere a las propia fiestas y a los monumentos quemados en las calles de Valencia el día 19 de marzo. En noviembre de 2016 la Unesco las inscribió en su Lista Representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad."
    "@language": "en",
    "@value": "The Falles is a traditional celebration held in commemoration of Saint Joseph in the city of Valencia, Spain. The term Falles refers to both the celebration and the monuments burnt during the celebration. Added to UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage of humanity list on 30 November 2016."
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Name: Villers–Bretonneux Australian National Memorial
Description: The Australian National Memorial, Villers–Bretonneux is the main memorial to Australian military personnel killed on the Western Front during World War I.
Address: Fouilloy, FR
Geocoordinates: lat 49.8852515, lon 2.5106436
Public Access: yes
Is Accessible For Free: yes
Tourist Audience: Memorial Tourism from Australia and New Zealand
Same As:
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    <meta itemprop="name" content="Villers–Bretonneux Australian National Memorial" />
    <meta itemprop="description" content="The Australian National Memorial, Villers–Bretonneux is the main memorial to Australian military personnel killed on the Western Front during World War I." />
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Name: Bodegas Protos
Description: Protos means “first” in Greek, and since 1927 this centenary winery has embarked on the mission to be number one. This attitude has driven their search for constant improvement.The new facilities designed by prestigious architect and winner of the Priztker Award, Sir Richard Rogers, once again took the winery to the forefront of wine tourism. A tour around Protos includes a detailed visit to both the underground cellar dug into the hillside of Peñafiel Castle and to the winery designed by celebrated architect Sir Richard Rogers.After completing the itinerary, visitors can taste 2 excellent Protos wines and will receive a gift. The visit lasts 1.5 hours (including the sampling).
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 10:00-13:00 and 16:30-18:00
Address: C/ Bodegas Protos, 24-28, 47300 - Peñafiel, Spain
Public Access: yes
Tourist Audience: Wine tourism, Cultural tourism
Available Languages: English, Spanish
Telephone: +34983878011, +34659843463
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    <meta itemprop="description" content="Protos means “first” in Greek, and since 1927 this centenary winery has embarked on the mission to be number one. This attitude has driven their search for constant improvement.The new facilities designed by prestigious architect and winner of the Priztker Award, Sir Richard Rogers, once again took the winery to the forefront of wine tourism. A tour around Protos includes a detailed visit to both the underground cellar dug into the hillside of Peñafiel Castle and to the winery designed by celebrated architect Sir Richard Rogers.After completing the itinerary, visitors can taste 2 excellent Protos wines and will receive a gift. The visit lasts 1.5 hours (including the sampling)." />
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      <meta itemprop="streetAddress" content="C/ Bodegas Protos, 24-28" />
      <meta itemprop="postalCode" content="47300" />
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    <meta itemprop="availableLanguage" content="English" />
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    <meta itemprop="openingHours" content="Mo-Fr 10:00-13:00" />
    <meta itemprop="openingHours" content="Mo-Fr 16:30-18:00" />
    <meta itemprop="touristType" content="Wine tourism" />
    <meta itemprop="touristType" content="Cultural tourism" />
    <meta itemprop="telephone" content="+34983878011" />
    <meta itemprop="telephone" content="+34659843463" />
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    <div property="schema:description" content="Protos means “first” in Greek, and since 1927 this centenary winery has embarked on the mission to be number one. This attitude has driven their search for constant improvement.The new facilities designed by prestigious architect and winner of the Priztker Award, Sir Richard Rogers, once again took the winery to the forefront of wine tourism. A tour around Protos includes a detailed visit to both the underground cellar dug into the hillside of Peñafiel Castle and to the winery designed by celebrated architect Sir Richard Rogers.After completing the itinerary, visitors can taste 2 excellent Protos wines and will receive a gift. The visit lasts 1.5 hours (including the sampling)."></div>
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